Monday, October 1, 2007


What is pain? Does pain hurt? Does pain feel good?
Pain is a feeling not uncommon to me. Wheather its my knee's crackling everytime I get up to move somewhere, because of the recent surgery I had. Or the feeling I get when I miss someone so bad, it hurts. Or when I fall down the stairs and bang myself up, and accidentally running into the wall in the dark, stumping my toes into the corners of everything. I feel pain when my wrench slips from the bolt, and my fist hits the closest thing to the wrench, which usually is something sharp, jagged, and metal.
I have laughed so hard, it hurts all the muscles in my stomach. I have been punched by my brothers in the arm, because "I got them good". I used to wrestle and knowing that u beat someone is a good feeling, but ur going to feel the pain the next day. It hurts when u get hit by a paintball, but hitting someone back with one, makes u feel good about it. This is when pain feels good.
Pain could be good, and bad I guess, depends on how u look at things in life. But more then anything, pain doesnt feel good, and hurts.

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